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Star Doubles Cask Marque Approved Pubs

A fifth of Star’s pubs are now Cask Marque accredited with a further 5% expected to be approved by the end of the year.

The number of Cask Marque accreditations is double what it was at the start of 2017 boosted by take-up of Star’s new SIBA Beerflex scheme.  Under the agreement, Star licensees with Cask Marque accredited pubs can order local cask ales brewed by Beerflex participants within a 30-mile radius of their pubs.

Mick Howard, Operations Director, Star Pubs & Bars says: “Our SIBA deal is largely responsible for the growth in accreditations, helping to increase customer choice as well as cask quality in Star pubs.

“Great pubs thrive which is why we’re passionate about supporting licensees helping them to improve standards and drive trade. We’re actively encouraging licensees to gain cask marque approval and help fund accreditation for pubs with a good cask offer. A quarter of our estate is on track to be recognised for the quality of its ale by the end of the year.”

Mike Hales of The Butlers Arms, Pleasington (pictured left) was one of the first licensees to participate in Star’s SIBA partnership.

Says Hales, “Cask Marque accreditation alone helped increase ale sales by 8%. I’ve got six casks on tap. Customers love having a local option and it’s attracting new people.  It complements our focus on sourcing food locally and supporting neighbouring businesses.”