Fuller’s, the London brewer and premium pub company, has rebranded its most famous beer, London Pride. To help support the new-look London Pride, Fuller’s has launched a social media campaign, Confessions, and a country-wide pump clip changeover.
The new social media campaign, Confessions, sees people come clean to their dads about secrets they’d previously kept to themselves, over a pint of London Pride. Filmed in The Hand and Flower, Hammersmith, the unsuspecting dads had been told they were going to a beer tasting, but their children reveal the truth on camera – the result is a film full of touching moments. The campaign will run on London Pride’s social media platforms throughout October.
Jane Jones, Fuller’s Marketing Director, said: “This campaign works because it’s simple yet effective. We’ve used a simple occasion, going for a pint with dad, and put a spin on it. We wanted to show people bonding over a pint and this film captures that perfectly. The revelations and reactions we managed to capture on camera are incredible.”
As part of the rebrand, Fuller’s 186 Tenanted pubs and 198 Managed Pubs and Hotels have updated their London Pride pump clips on the bar. On Wednesday 18 October, over 80 people from across the business, set out to do the same in Fuller’s Free Trade accounts. With screwdrivers and brand new pump clips in hand, the fleet of people set out across the south of England to approximately 750 accounts to change the pump clips and get the new branding where it belongs, on the bar.
Jane Jones added: “Pump clips are a vital piece of marketing. We didn’t want the rebrand to happen in small stages, so we pulled together as many volunteers as possible, to change over as many pump clips as possible in one day. The result has had quite an impact and you can see examples of our new pump clips on social media, mainly Twitter and Instagram, by using #TheOriginalOriginal.”