SIBA has officially launched its new look logo following a re-brand designed to reflect the changing face of British brewing. The new logo was unveiled at BeerX earlier in March, designed to reflect the direction of the association’s strategic plan and the exciting developments in the independent craft brewing industry.
The organisation represent over 850 British independent craft brewers, brewing in excess of 5,000 craft brewed beers in cask, craft keg, bottle and can. Following more than five years of the successful SIBA ‘local’ logo, SIBA say the bold new black and white ‘stamp’ logo offers a more relevant, modern approach that carries SIBA’s vision strap line ‘The voice of British brewing’.
Tony Jerome, SIBA’s Communications & Membership Director, explains: “Although the majority of the beer produced by members is sold ‘locally’ there is a growth in those selling beer nationally and exporting and we feel our logo needs to reflect this change in direction. This new modern design has been trialled on a number of marketing and campaign items over the last few months and the feedback has been great.”
The new logo is part of a wider rebrand for the organisation, including a new website due to launch in the next few months which has so far been very well received by members,
“The new SIBA logo really resonated with us as we like the less formal and more accessible style of the stamp effect, which also has an immediacy about it that stands off the page. The strapline ‘The voice of British brewing’ simply sums up why we are members of SIBA and is what we tell the people we work with that the organisation does.” Gill Bullock, Swan Brewery Co Founder
SIBA says readers may actually have already spotted the logo though, as publicans and brewers were given a sneak peak of the new branding when SIBA hosted a stand during the popular Craft Beer Rising trade session in East London earlier this year.