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Local Impact of the Beer and Pub Sector – the vital statistics

Key data on the impact of beer and pubs on the British economy was produced by Oxford Economics for the BBPA in early 2014. It clearly shows the value of beer and pubs, including wages by Parliamentary Constituency and Local authority and employment by age and type to show the impact of the industry on the local economy. Click here to go straight to the BBPA.

This evidence was part of a successful campaign run by many in the beer industry including the BBPA, SIBA and CAMRA to convince the Chancellor of the Exchequer to freeze beer duty in the Spring Budget 2014. This campaign was successful but many in the industry believe that much more needs to be done to support breweries and pubs.

Nationally, the report reveals that 900,000 jobs depend on British beer and pubs – and almost half (44%) are younger workers aged 16-24, who need these vital jobs the most. This information is available for every local area in Britain.

To access the unique report on pubs, jobs, wages, and economic value of beer and pubs in ypur area, view the Excel spreadsheet which shows key data for every UK Parliamentary constituency and Local Authority, listed by region.

The full report, with national and regional summary data, Local impact of the beer and pub sector from Oxford Economics can be downloaded from the BBPA website here.

UK beer duty – key facts:

  • The beer and pub sector supports over 900,000 jobs, 46 per cent of which are held by 16-24 year olds.
  • Beer and pubs contribute £22 billion to UK GDP and generate £12 billion in total tax revenue.
  • 82 per cent of the beer sold in Britain is made here in Britain.
  • 1 job in brewing generates 1 job in agriculture, 1 in the supply chain, 1 in retailing and 18 in pubs.
  • From 2008 to 2013, beer tax increased by 42 per cent, with beer sales down 21 per cent, 7,000 pubs closing, and 58,000 UK jobs lost.
  • A beer duty freeze in 2014/15 would cost the Treasury just £4 million, according to Oxford Economics.
  • Beer duty rates in the UK are still among the highest of any country in Europe