Each month Greene King publishes its Leisure Spend Tracker based on an omnibus questionnaire in order to provide greater insights into consumer discretionary spending. The Tracker (which you can download) focuses on spending patterns across leisure sectors such as eating out, drinking out, gambling, cinema-going, health & fitness and live events and is based on an online, nationally representative sample of c. 2,000 individuals (GB, 18+), reflecting the leisure behaviour of c. 2,000 households. Data has been collected every month since August 2013.
February 2015 Key Highlights
- In February, the average British household spent £196 on leisure, down 4% versus the same time last year but increased 7% compared to January
- Eating Out and Drinking Out increased by 7% and 2% respectively in February while Other Leisure decreased by 15%
- Drinking Out increased 13% compared to January, as people’s abstinence from alcohol weakened
- 18-24 year olds are the most optimistic for the coming year, with 87% expect their household’s financial situation to remain unchanged or improve
- The Greene King Leisure Spend Tracker reported a 4% decrease year-on-year in Total Leisure spend to £196, down 7% compared to January. Growth in Eating Out, up 7% year-on-year, continues as British households spend grew for the seventh consecutive month.
- Other Leisure Spend fell 15% while Drinking Out continued to grow with a 2% increase year-onyear.