Question: “What do wort boiling, fermentation, online brewing community and brewers’ question time have in common?” Answer: “Crisp webinars”.
The maltster’s technical team have been offering weekly webinars for brewers – which have been watched by craft brewers around the world – both in real time via Zoom and as catch up via Facebook.
The webinars are starting with the various steps of malt intake and the brewing process. Today Thursday 8th April at 3pm BST, the focus is on Boiling. To take part, register here.
Next Thursday, 15th April at 3pm BST the topic of the webinar will be Fermentation.
“By joining the webinar live,” says Crisp craft brewing and distilling manager, Colin Johnston, “you can be part of the Q&A session as well as seeing the presentation. Watching on catch up, you get only the presentation.
“Opening the floor to brewers leads to really interesting discussions – and allows us to explore in detail some of the things that come up in the course of everyday operations in different brewhouses. Some of the questions coming up seem quite specific to particular brewers, but talking round the subjects often leads to insights that are relevant to everyone.
“The brewing overview webinars will have covered CoAs, Milling, Mashing, Boiling (today), Fermentation (next week). Then it will be time to start digging a bit deeper into specialist brewing subjects. The sessions will become more exploratory – with the topics will be led by demand from participants. From the series so far, we’ve collected questions that need to be delved into much further, but just flag up any issues and subject matters you would like to cover – and we’ll be on it!”
The invitation to join in is open to all brewers, not just Crisp customers. “Our aim is to be part of the inclusive community that characterises most of this fantastic industry,” says Colin. “The more knowledge, information and best practice there is, the better it is for everyone: brewers, licensees and beer drinkers. So set a reminder, sign-up and tune into the upcoming sessions, which will be live every Thursday at 3pm (BST).”
Thursday 9th April: Boiling – sign-up now.
Thursday 16th April: Fermentation
Thursday 23rd April: Brewers Question Time
Keep an eye on Crisp’s blog page for upcoming sessions and catch-up on the recorded sessions which you may have missed: