Suffolk-based brewer Greene King has partnered with London-based Wimbledon Brewery for the first time to brew a new cask beer. The beer is part of Greene King’s on-going collaboration with regional breweries, now approaching its fourth year, and is the brewer’s first collaborative ale of 2017.
Greene King and Wimbledon brewers have worked together to create Windmill Pale, a 3.7% oatmeal pale ale, brewed in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Wimbledon Windmill, the most famous landmark on Wimbledon Common and close to the home of Wimbledon Brewery.
Greene King’s collaboration project sees brewers come together to creatively experiment with ingredients and craft limited edition cask beers. The beers become part of Greene King’s annual seasonal cask ale calendar, which is available to pubs across Britain. Windmill Pale is available on the seasonal ale calendar from January to March this year.
Greene King brewer, Ross O’Hara welcomed Wimbledon brewer, Charlie Long to the Westgate Brewery in Bury St Edmunds in late December 2016 to take a tour of the brew house and start the brewing process for Windmill Pale, created using fine English malted barley, malted oats and classic English hops, including Bramling Cross, and boasting black and redcurrant notes.
Greene King will collaborate with further breweries throughout 2017 and, since the project began in August 2013, Greene King brewers have worked with a number of breweries on seasonal cask beers, including Brentwood Brewing Company, Wold Top, Sadler’s and Penpont.
George Johnston, brewing and brands marketing director at Greene King, said: “Our collaborative beers have proven popular with publicans and pub goers since this project began to bring together industry expertise and support brewing innovation.
“We are pleased to kick off our 2017 collaborations by partnering with the fantastic team at Wimbledon Brewery to toast an historic community landmark with this great-tasting oatmeal ale.”
Mark Gordon, founder of the Wimbledon Brewery, said: “At Wimbledon Brewery we pride ourselves on the quality of our cask beers, so who better to partner with for this collaborative brew than the British brewing institution that is Greene King.
“The Windmill on the Common celebrates its bi-centenary this year and is an iconic Wimbledon Landmark. Given this, the use of oatmeal in the recipe is very apt and gives the beer its distinctive flavour.”