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Charles Wells aim to show if Britain will be in or out of Europe!

With just four weeks to go, independent family brewer Charles Wells has given British drinkers a perfect opportunity to show how they want the forthcoming European referendum to go, over a pint of Bombardier.

brexit2400 pubs will have Bombardier’s traditional pump clip and a ‘Eurofied’ version marked as Chef D’Artillerie. While both pumps will serve the same beer, what they choose will give us an insight into how Britain’s drinkers will vote on 23 June.

Peter Wells, Commercial Director at Charles Wells, said: “For hundreds of years people have debated politics over a pint. Even with the rise of social media your local pub is alive with discussions about what people think of national events like The Junior Doctor’s Strike, Leicester City’s Premiership tale, and of course whether Britain should stay in Europe or leave. “These two ways of buying Bombardier give British drinkers a chance to show their support for either decision while enjoying a refreshing pint of British beer ahead of the real vote on 23 June.”