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Castle Rock Brewery meets the SALSA quality threshold

Castle Rock Brewery has become one of the first real ale producers to be accredited to the nationally recognised SALSA (safe and local supplier approval) standard.  With it, the Nottingham-based brewer joins other food producers and processors, monitored by experienced food safety authorities, to meet their legally enforceable sourcing requirements and the enhanced expectations of ‘best practice’ to customers.

Colin Wilde, Castle Rock Brewery’s managing director, acknowledges the efforts of his brewers to meet the required standards.  “The partnership of our head brewer Adrian Redgrove and his deputy Jon Edger has come up trumps. They’ve understood the need for supply chain confidence and traceability but also taken steps to have that assurance monitored independently.

“It’s well done to them and something I shall use to advantage when approached by our growing list of free trade customers,” says Colin. “Pub goers too can be further assured of the quality of the ales they’re drinking.”

SALSA is operated throughout England by the Institute of Food and Science Technology and its independently chaired governance committee.  Supporters include major supermarket chains, the Food and Drink Federation and the National Farmers Union.