01206 752212

Why is beer quality so important to cask ale?

As a natural, live product with a limited shelf life, if a pub does not sell enough cask ale, the beer becomes old and loses its freshness. It is essential that pubs only stock as many ales as they can guarantee good throughput on. To maintain beer quality, cask ale must be sold within three days of being placed on sale.

  • 85% of consumers state good quality beer as a major factor in choice of pub (Source: Why Handpull?)
  • Studies show that 50% of drinkers leave a pub if they’re served poor quality beer, and of those 60% either never go back, or go less often

Top Tips to Ensure Good Quality Cask Ale

Cellar Management

  • Keep the cellar at the right temperature
  • Keep coolers running, grills dust free and seals on cellar doors intact
  • Successful cellar management can improve beer yields by up to 7%


  • Serve at ‘cellar temperature’ – between 11 and 13ºC

Line Cleaning

  • Beer from dirty lines suffers in terms of quality and taste
  • Punch Taverns found that lessees who cleaned lines every week saw a sales growth of +2%


  • Dirty glasses prevent the formation of a head and make the beer flat and lifeless
  • Glasses should be renovated (special wash cycle) on a regular basis

The Serve

  • Bar staff need to be trained to pour the beer so it looks attractive and elegant

Good cellar management delivers quality cask ale which in turn increases sales by 3% and yields by 7% (Source: BBPA).

If you want to learn more about handling all beers take a 1 day Bii Cellar Management Course.

Cask Marque organises courses throughout the UK and costs are £80 + the examination fee + VAT and the cost is tax deductable!

Ring Cask Marque on 01206 752212 or email info@cask‐marque.co.uk for further information.