← Previous Next → Written by Nigel Sadler, @NigelSommelier – Ex-brewer. Beer & Brewing Educator, IBD Qualified: Malting, Brewing & Distilling. International Beer Judge, UK Beer Sommelier of the Year (2012) & Cask Marque Assessor.Following...
Below is an introduction to Cask Marque that was written for Ale Cry – CAMRA’s Central Lancashire Branch free magazine.The Cask Marque plaque adorns pubs up and down the country and is a sign of great beer in each one. Have you ever wondered what a pub has...
Thursday 24th May 2018 – The day of the much anticipated Cask Marque ale ambassador course had arrived. The reward for scanning 500 pubs on the ‘World’s Biggest Ale Trail’. There was an air of excitement from the committee as we assembled at the famous Marston’s...
There are three main areas to what Cask Marque does. The first is the Cask Marque Award, where we check beer quality in the glass as the customer would be served it. The second is training staff to look after beer and make sure it is served in perfect condition. And...