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Alcohol harm statistics moving in the right direction

Commenting on today’s NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) release of the latest findings from the Health Survey for England 2015, Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive, British Beer & Pub Association said:

“Many of the figures show a decline in the misuse of alcohol and it is very good to see so many indicators moving in the right direction.

“Education, awareness and targeting help at the right groups and individuals is certainly the most effective way to reduce alcohol-related harm.  This is quite a long term trend that also shows that working in partnership with others delivers good results.

“It is work that extends from national campaigns,  such as from Drinkaware and national drinks’ producers, right down to the grassroots, with local pubs working with industry-led schemes such as Business Improvement Districts, Best Bar None, Purple Flag, Pubwatch and Community Alcohol Partnerships to encourage responsible drinking.  This is work that must continue.”