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SIBA Beerflex Breweries All FSQ Enrolled

SIBA Beerflex Breweries All FSQ Enrolled

SIBA has announced today that all SIBA brewing members trading on SIBA Beerflex* now hold a valid SIBA FSQ certificate or other professional accreditation commissioned themselves such as SALSA, NSF, STS or BRC. SIBA FSQ is the ‘SIBA Food...
Star Doubles Cask Marque Approved Pubs

Star Doubles Cask Marque Approved Pubs

A fifth of Star’s pubs are now Cask Marque accredited with a further 5% expected to be approved by the end of the year. The number of Cask Marque accreditations is double what it was at the start of 2017 boosted by take-up of Star’s new SIBA Beerflex scheme. ...