C ommenting on today’s Cambridge University Study into the dangers of moderate alcohol consumption, which asserts that as little as one alcoholic drink a day could shorten your life, James Calder, Head of Communications at the Society of Independent Brewers...
T he consumer thirst for craft beer is showing no signs of wavering, with hazy New England style IPAs and tart, sour beers in the style of Belgian brews becoming commonplace not only in specialist craft beer bars, but pubs and even supermarkets across the UK. The...
I t seems like everyone in the world knows something about my first beer. Timothy Taylor’s Landlord from Keighley in West Yorkshire has won more awards than any other beer (it has won the Champion Beer of Britain a record four times) and is frequently cited by ale...
Hard to believe, but before I started my work at Cask Marque at the ripe old age of 35, I had never visited Cornwall in my life. My first journey down to Cornwall in my line of work was blighted by the worst snow storm Cornwall had seen in years. Only ten miles shy of...
Way, way before all these achingly fashionable, super hip craft brewers came along, a little brewery in Peterborough (I know, Peterborough!) was beavering away experimenting with new flavours and hop profiles. Oakham was founded in 1993 and led the way in sourcing...