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Save The Date for 2022 Cask Ale Week 22 September – 2 October

Cask Marque has launched the new website for Cask Ale Week and set the dates for this year’s event.


Make sure that you put 22 September – 2 October 2022 in your diary and start thinking about how you can participate in Cask Ale Week to make this a fantastic celebration of cask ale.


Paul Nunny, Director of Cask Marque, says that the event is important for the cask category as well as the pub and that last year was the most successful Cask Ale event to date.  

  • Over 32 million people were reached using #CaskAleWeek across multiple social media platforms.
  • #CaskAleWeek resulted in over 114,000 interactions online between 23rd September and 3rd October 2021 and was the subject of a podcast episode with Hop Forward too.
  • More than 150 different breweries and pub groups got involved, either running activities and offers or sharing information on their social media.


Have a look at the new and improved Cask Ale Week Website to get some exciting ideas for this year’s event.


Cask Marque, with the support of the trade associations BBPA, UKH and Bii, will engage their membership and nearer the time a full media campaign will be announced and activated.  CAMRA have already committed to have a consumer marketing campaign for cask during the month of September.


Last year Sharp’s Brewery, based in Rock, Cornwall, used the event to support many of their key customers.  As an example they worked with Stonegate and offered:

  • 61 Classic Inns
    • Buy 5 pints, get 6th free
    • Social media competition to win Doom Bar goodies
  • 150 Proper Pubs
    • Scratch card with a chance to win a break in Cornwall for 2
  • 81 other sites
    • 48 Town Pub & Kitchen + 33 City Taverns – QR code to enter a competition to win a break in Cornwall
    • Doom bar food pairing suggestions


Rachel Williams, Communications Manager at Sharp’s, reflecting on the success of last year’s event, says “Cask Ale Week is a key moment in the year for the beer, brewing and hospitality industries. Cask ale is unique to the Great British pub, and this year more than ever it’s important that we encourage people to support our pubs, try cask ale and celebrate all that is great about our national drink.“


Paul Nunny says emphatically that to benefit from Cask Ale Week “you must put the date in your calendar, get the marketing team engaged and talk to us about your planned activity.  Also note that  we will hold a Cask Seminar held on Thursday 22nd September, to launch Cask Ale Week. More information on all this to follow.”