Read the latest CASK REPORTS
SIBA launches its first strategic plan
SIBA has just launched a strategic plan setting out its aims for the next three years called Delivering the Future of British Beer. The plan, the organisation’s first, has been developed to ensure continued success for the independent brewing sector, which has thrived...
Carlsberg UK’s Consumer Insights Report 2014
This new report from Carlsberg UK shows that going to the pub is still the number one social activity for adults with 34% visiting the pub on a weekly basis. The report segments the population and shows significant growth coming from Families up 36% from 33%, Single...
Cask Report 2014-15 Launch Presentation
At the Cask Seminar on 25th September 2014, held at Brew Wharf London, Pete Brown presented his 8th volume of the Cask Report to a selection of prominent brewers, pub companies and journalists. There’s a beer revolution going on in Britain – and cask ale is right at...
Cask Report 2014-15 Launched
The latest Cask Report 2014, by beer writer Pete Brown, has just been launched with up-to-date data and commentary on the state of the UK cask industry. The Report also provides a six-point plan to help licensees get the most out of cask ale and ensure they take...
Cask Report 2014-15
he Cask Report 2015, by beer writer Pete Brown, has just been launched with up-to-date data and commentary on the state of the UK cask industry. The Report also provides a six-point plan to help licensees get the most out of cask ale...
Cask Report 2013-14 Launch presentation
Download the cask-report-2013-14-launch-presentation here
Marston’s Cask Ale Report 2013
This report from Marston's Brewery offers an overview of the cask ale market, including key trends and drinker insights. It will help retailers to develop their cask ale offer and continue category growth. The report concludes that continuing to recruit new to...
Positive outlook for pubs according to Geoff Collyer, Deutche Bank
The pub sector is in the best shape its been for three decades and it has plenty of scope to grow and take market share as the economy improves, according to leading analyst Geof Collyer in an extensive report published in April on the UK’s pub and restaurant...
SIBA Beer Report 2014
Each year SIBA publishes a report examining the state of the British Beer Market. The headlines from this report are: 72 breweries joined SIBA in 2013. Beer production increased 5.7% from 2011-2012. 4000 permanent cask brands are now sold by SIBA members. There are...
Cask Report Summary 2013-14
Download the Cask Report Leaflet 2013 here
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